Arcadia Lift Station and Force Main

Arcadia Lift Station and Force Main

Arcadia Lift Station and Force Main

First Utility District of Knox County (FUD) contracted with Cannon & Cannon, Inc (CCI) to provide engineering for a new lift station and force main to serve a planned development. The scope of the project involved installing a new submersible lift station to serve a neighborhood composed primarily of grinder pumps and LPS (low pressure sewer). The new station tied onto the existing 4” force main that is located along Arcadia Peninsula Way.

As the station was located in close proximity to homes, the team recommended installing odor control and ornamental fencing and landscaping to protect homeowner privacy. The station also included an access drive for operation and maintenance of the station as well as SCADA for monitoring and control.

Because of the large increase in flow anticipated for the area, the scope of the project also included installing approximately 3,500 LF of 8-inch force main along Northshore Drive from Chandler Road to Westland Drive. Portions of the force main were installed in existing right-of-way (ROW) on the northeast side of Northshore Drive, however some portions of the force main were installed in private easements. This required coordination with FUD and private land owners.


Knoxville, TN


Utilities and Infrastructure


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