City of KnoxvilleUT Area ATMS Signal Improvements
The City of Knoxville selected CCI for engineering services to design its ATMS expansion of 38 traffic signals in the University of Tennessee Area. The ATMS upgrades include Ethernet-based communication, modern signal controllers and cabinets, enhanced vehicle detection, and connected vehicle equipment.
In addition to preparation of design plans for the ATMS expansion, CCI is providing:
• Environmental
• Systems engineering analysis
• Permitting
• Bid phase assistance
• Traffic signal timing services
The project is funded through the Federal Highway Administration’s Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program and is being managed through the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s Local Programs process.
Knoxville, TN
38 Traffic Signals
Traffic / I.T.S
Local Programs Coordination
Signal Timing Optimization
Engineering Design
Pedestrian Facilities
Field Surveying
Transportation & Traffic
Signalization | I.T.S
Roadways & Intersections
Transportation Specialties
Signal Timing Optimization