Downtown Sevierville Streetscape Electrical Design and Utility Coordination
Cannon & Cannon, Inc. teamed with Vaughn and Melton (VM) and the City of Sevierville to provide engineering services for the Downtown Sevierville Streetscape Project for the City of Sevierville. CCI is responsible for the electrical design and relocation of the water, sewer, and electric facilities along with the design of the street lights and traffic signalization for the numerous intersections in the project. CCI was also tasked with utility coordination with the gas utility, cable and telecommunications companies, and the County’s fiber network.
The utilities relocated and tasks for this project were:
• 1,620 LF of overhead electric to underground electric along with 3 underground transformer vaults, pads and transformers
• 8 secondary service panels for street lighting and special events were included in the design,
• Replace the existing overhead fed lighting with underground fed decorative lighting voltage drop at the end structure was no more than 5%,
• 1,375 LF of 6” and 8” waterlines,
• 1,600 LF of gravity sewer and related appurtenances.
CCI also worked with numerous utilities to coordinate the relocation of their facilities to make sure there were no conflicts in the tight corridor of the project. CCI coordinated with:
• Sevier County Utility District (public utility) on the gas line relocations
• Charter Cable Company (private utility)
• AT&T (private utility) on the relocation of their telecommunication lines
• Sevier County’s Emergency Response System (public utility) on the relocation of their fiber network
Electrical design includes power bollards for temporary power required for parades and city events.
Sevierville, TN
Engineering Design
Civil Engineering
Utilities and Infrastructure
Street Lighting
Site Utilities
Utility Location | Relocation