Downtown Sevierville Streetscape Lighting Design
Cannon & Cannon, Inc. (CCI) teamed with Vaughn and Melton (VM) to provide engineering services for the Downtown Sevierville Streetscapes Project for the City of Sevierville. CCI was responsible for the design of new decorative street lights for two main downtown streets with a total length of approximately 1,850 feet, and traffic signalization for numerous intersections.
The street lighting design included replacement of existing HPS cobra-head style street lights with a new decorative lighting system utilizing LED luminaires and decorative posts. The design team worked closely with the project landscape architect to provide photometric analysis of various decorative lighting options and pole spacings. The decorative street lighting system also provides amenities for various street and community festivals held in the downtown area by incorporating electrical outlets into the street light poles and decorative bollards placed strategically throughout the project area.
The design also provides provisions for future enhancements to include remote monitoring and control of the lights, as well as pathways for future city-owned fiber optic cable and an audio system for use at special events.
Sevierville, TN
Engineering Design
Utilities and Infrastructure
Transportation & Traffic
Signalization | I.T.S
Street Lighting
Site Utilities
Utility Location | Relocation