Glasgow Wastewater TreatmentPlant Upgrades
2018 Grand Award, Sewer Overflow Abatement Project ACEC Kentucky
2018 “Environmental Project of the Year” Award APWA Kentucky Chapter
CCI provided engineering services and grant application assistance for the funding and multi-phased design of Glasgow Water Company’s (GWC) Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The current average daily flow capacity of the WWTP was 3 MGD with the plan to double it to 6 MGD with a hydraulic capacity of 10 MGD and an additional 7 MGD storm surge capacity bringing the max peak flow capability of the plant to 13 MGD. CCI performed a master plan of the treatment plant to determine the best path forward for the upgrades and determined how to phase the work to minimize the financial impact to GWC. CCI helped GWC apply for an EDA grant for this project and at the time of grant award GWC received the largest EDA Grant ever awarded in the State of Kentucky at $1.8 million dollars.
Glasgow, KY
11 million
Construction Administration
Utilities and Infrastructure
Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI)