Oak Ridge Turnpike Intersection Pedestrian Safety Improvements
The City of Oak Ridge selected CCI to design pedestrian improvements at the intersections of Oak Ridge Turnpike at Tulane Avenue and Oak Ridge Turnpike at East Division Road / Tennyson Road. The general scope of the design elements at the 2 intersections include:
- New sidewalk
- New curb ramps
- Upgrading existing curb ramps
- New or upgraded pedestrian signalization
- Radar vehicle detection
- Other miscellaneous signal improvements
CCI’s work involved coordination with the TDOT Local Programs Development Office, field surveying of the project intersections, preliminary and final design of the proposed improvements, environmental coordination and documentation, obtaining required permits and certifications, preparation of special construction provisions and the construction contract document, engineer’s estimate of probable construction cost, bid phase coordination and Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) services.
This project was funded by the Transportation Alternatives Program Grant and involved close coordination with the TDOT Local Programs Development Office.
Oak Ridge, TN
Local Programs Coordination
Signal Timing Optimization
Engineering Design
Pedestrian Facilities
Environmental Coordination
Construction Plans
Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI)
Signalization | I.T.S
Construction Phase Services
Roadways & Intersections

This project required replacement of sidewalks and handicap facilities at two (2) of Oak Ridge’s busiest intersections, and also new traffic signals and controllers…Express my appreciation to Cannon & Cannon for past projects that have been well done and to say that this office would welcome Cannon & Cannon on future projects.
Roger Flynn, City Engineer