Realignment of Bishop Road at Emory Road

Realignment of Bishop Road at Emory Road

Realignment of Bishop Road at Emory Road

This Roadway realignment project, which included the addition of 2 lanes and signalization, was prompted by high traffic volumes in the area – making it difficult for motorists to pull out into traffic.

Cannon and Cannon, Inc. (CCI) worked with Knox County to provide survey and engineering for the realignment of Bishop Road to intersect with Emory Road across from Taggert Lane – which involves a slight realignment of Taggert Lane. The design includes 2-12 ft lanes in a curb section to replace existing Norman Jack Lane. The need for a right turn lane at the intersection of Emory Rd was evaluated and also included in the design.

CCI services also include all activities required for the analysis and implementation of a traffic signal at the newly created intersection, which includes signal interconnection with the Dannaher Drive signal located approximately 2,800 ft to the west. Signal design includes timing and coordination.

Scope of work includes:

• Schematic plans

• Right-of-Way Plans (Property Acquisition Table/ROW Table; Property Legal Description for Acquisitions and Estimate of Probably Construction Costs

• Final Construction Plans and Specifications (Construction set for bidding; secure the necessary TDOT permits

• Construction Permitting (SWPPP & ARAP)

• Utility Coordination (Notification to Utilities; ROW Plan Issuance and Proof of Plans; Construction set for bidding administration; certify consultant, relocation plans, estimates and Public/private reimbursement %; Review all relocation plans for conflicts with roadway design and other utilities; approve and manage utility relocation schedules


Knoxville, TN


Pedestrian Facilities


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Roadways & Intersections

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